Predators (film) continues and expands the earlier films, directed by Robert Rodriguez and staring Adrien Brody as Royce, a mercenary who leads the group after they are air dropped and have grouped together. They are brought there to be hunted as prey by an elite group of predators who choose killers and hunters for worthy sport.
Predators Exclusive Steelbook[]
A premium Blu-ray edition that includes the Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
With over 60 minutes of additional footage.
Director Robert Rodriguez adds commentary, deleted and extended scenes and added exclusive motion comics.
Commentary by Robert Rodriguez and Nimrod Antal.
Tactics of War: Featurette from Theatrical.
Fox Movie Channel Presents Making A Scene.
Motion Comics: Moments OF Extraction & Crucifie.
Deleted & Extended Scenes.
Evolution of the Species: Predator Reborn.
The Chosen: Character Featurette.
Triple Play Edition includes the movie on 3 formats: Blu-ray, DVD & Digital Copy.